Al Hebiah Fifth


8.09 KM2


1223.36 KM2


9897 KM2

About Al Hebiah Fifth

Al Hebiah Fifth's convenient location makes it a popular residential community in Dubai. This unique place has been designed for eco-friendly development driven by extensive landscaping and eco-friendly policies. With lavishly designed villas and residential building apartments, the neighbourhood is well equipped with all premium amenities and facilities.

The area is home to sleek and modern residential and commercial developments such as office retail outlets, malls, supermarkets and restaurants. In addition, the facilities and amenities provided have been integrated for the benefit of the residents. Given its excellent connectivity options, one can reach major nearby destinations within minutes.

With health clinics, restaurants, retail outlets, parks, gymnasiums and swimming pools, the community provides access to a cosmopolitan lifestyle. Also, the lively and family-friendly environment with ample security seems like a good place for people with families. This impressive and bright residential community boasts a luxury lifestyle with attractive shopping, dining and entertainment options.

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